The Castels Quest is an adventure that challenges nature and history lovers, who appreciate good food, mild weather and long bicycle rides, to become knights and conquer the castles and fortresses of the Historical Villages of Portugal (AHP). This adventure starts on 16 September 2017 and ends on 24 September 2017. The Castels Quest is a fully self-supported adventure, founded on a concept and philosophy of BIKEPACKING in which each individual participates in the quest at its own risk and means. To complete The Castels Quest, riders must follow the marked trail that is part of the GR22, the long route linking the 12 Historical Villages of Portugal. This is a circular trail that begins and ends at the same village – The Historical Village of Belmonte – 600 kmsThe Castels Quest is not a race, nor a contest, there are no scores nor points, no winners nor losers. Participants in the adventure are “knights” who, mounting their bikes, will try to conquer, each at its own pace, the magnificent castles of the Historical Villages of Portugal. The ones who complete the trail will be made noble Knights of “The Castels Quest“, a title qualified by the Historical Villages of Portugal (AHP).

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12 Aldeias Históricas de Portugal. 600 km de GR22. 1 semana de aventura e descoberta em bicicleta…

O desafio está lançado! A primeira edição desta aventura inicia a 16 de Setembro na Aldeia Histórica de Belmonte e tem como limite o dia 24 de Setembro de 2017, que termina na mesma localidade, passando por todas as 12 Aldeias Históricas de Portugal (AHP). The Castles Quest é um novo evento AHP, que desafia todos os amantes da Natureza, da história, da gastronomia, do clima ameno e das longas viagens de bicicleta, a transformarem-se em “cavaleiros” e a conquistarem as 12 Aldeias Históricas de Portugal. (mais…)