Online Municipal Director Plan

Along the line of the informatization and modernization process of the public administration, namely at the local level, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) of municipal and intermunicipal level, appear as indispensable tool for a good knowledge of the territory and the adequate management of that very same territory. In order to comply with the Law no. 56/2007, of August 31st, the autarchies are obliged to make available their Municipal Director Plans (MDP) online and for such the Cova da Beira Municipalities Association in partnership with the ESRI, developed a project based on a GIS solution for consultation of the municipality´s Director Plan. The functionalities of htis component include the possibility to make a previous consultation of the MDP, having as starting point a determined location in the territory. After the  identification of the intended location it is possible to cross this information with the classes of space, the regulations and MDP conditionings, and print the resulting information, serving as a first approach to the viability of transformation of the rustic land. It will allow in the future  to make research, visualize and consult the work projects submitted to the City Halls by its location. As alternative to the selection of an existing element, it is possible the scanning of a poligon directly to the web interface.

Online Municipal Director Plan – Plano Diretor Municipal Online

The information available in the SIGAMCB is destined to consultation and viewing, being interdict its commercialization. The information obtained by the SIGAMCB, namelu using the print functionality, it is not destined to be used for the instruction of administrative proceedings, except by written authorization by the public entity responsible for such proceedings. Its incorporation in published documents always imples the quoting of the source. Any other use requires exprress consent by the AMC, that reserves the right of establishing conditions for such consent.