Cró Hot Springs

History – Cró Hot Springs

The Cró Hot Springs Complex is located between the parishes of Rapoula do Côa and Seixo do Côa, 15 km north of Sabugal. The site is crossed by the Ribeira do Boi.

These medicinal waters may have a very ancient use, for there are some evidence (construction pottery and coins) that suggest a possible  presence in the roman period.

1726 – Oldest reference to Cró by Francisco da Fonseca Henrique, that by then already mentioned the remarkable healing properties of these waters and the need of proper instalations.
The waters of these springs always generated a lot of interest in the region.

1891 – Date of the first tests to these waters by the Academia Politécnica do Porto.

1909 – Guilherme Iven Ferrás tries to implement a first serious project for the reorganization and explorarion of the site and its waters that did not went forward for various reasons.

1935 – The first bathhouse is built.

1980 – The Sabugal City hall acquires the site and initiates a new reconstruction and  revitalisation phase of the complex and its waters, by  owning the lease contract HM – 46 – Caldas do Cró signed in March 28th 2001. The therapeutical indications were published under the decree  nº50/2003, no Diário da República , II Série, of January 22nd 2003.

2001 –  The City Hall builds a temporary bathhouse where treatments were conducted, inorder for the mineral water therapeutical properties would be recognized.

Today, the complex holds a brand new Thermal BathHouse, with cutting edge equipment, qualified staff, thus offering a quality service to all those that search the Cró waters, either for health or leisure reasons.

2011 – The Sabugal City Hall builds a modern bathhouse, providing better service to its frequent costumers and captivating many others. The first thermal season went from June to November.

2012 – The second Thermal Season begins. In August the Cró Hot Springs are leased to the company Natura Empreendimento S.A. that aims to drive the evolution of this infrastructure.

2013 – The building works of the Hotel Termal do Cró – Cró Hotel & SPA, begin.

in Site Termas do Cró – For more information consult the following link: