MALCATA ECST: Conclusion of the application project

The dossier for the application to the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) of the Gata-Malcata/Lands of the Lynx territory was presented yesterday at the Great Hall of the Sabugal City Hall, this way closing the application project.

The ten principles of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism were signed by the three municipalities involved (Sabugal, Penamacor e Almeida), the Nature and Forest Conservation Institute, Turismo Centro, teaching institutions, as well as associations and companies of the territory.

During the entire process of elaboration of the project, the Sustainable Tourism Permanent Forum assembled around 200 people and 123 entities, in 30 reunions; and 30 individuals of 22 entities that integrated the Project´s Technical Team.

The dossier, in which the characterization and diognostic of the territory is made, proposes a development strategy, objectives and a five year action plan for the development of sustainable tourism, identifying the actions, deadlines, predicted costs and promotors.

On January 31st the Gata-Malcata/Lands of the Lynx territory application to ECST  will be sent to the EUROPARC Federation. Subsequently, and continuing the candidacy approval, the territory will be visited by an auditor, and by the end of the year, a decision is expected.